Mais informações

OLIVEIRA, Roberto de. Poor planners-users interface : the rise of built environment costs and the fall of related satisfaction. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 16., 1996, Piracicaba. Anais… Piracicaba: ABEPRO, 1996.
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Usually, technicians criticise informal settlements. Users are supposed not know how to organise themselves in the built environment. However, this work shows that self-organised built environment sometimes shows better overall indicators than those that were planned. In addition, there is a manifest dissatisfaction in nowadays' North American neighbourhood. Although non-planned, an example of good ambience having high socio-economic indicators is shown; neither public money was invested nor any technician was used in this case. Current planners and users' relationships explain why urban design techniques lag. This work also shows data that demonstrate how long take planned developments to be approved. Escalating costs of development are also exemplified.